Monday, May 31, 2010

Asian and Greek Temples!!?

I awoke with the light sneaking in on the sides of my blinds, and birds chirping away... it was 5 a.m.!! So much for sleeping in! I laid in bed for a bit, but the blue sky was calling me. I got up, dressed, and out the door by 5:45 and went walking through the small village of Wolkering where Uli and her family live. So peaceful and beautiful. It was colder than I anticipated and I walked quickly through the town. At 6 a.m. the bells from the small church chimed loudly. I only stayed out for about 30 minutes, enough to walk to the end of both sides of town, and have cold fingers, toes (yes, I had my flip flops on!) and a cold noz (nose). Still no one awake when I returned, so I curled up with a warm wrap and dozed off again. Up and at 'em by 8 for a wonderful breakfast of brot (bread) with homemade jams, sausage, cheese, and orange juice. Then I had a few hours to kill before our adventures for the day. Uli and I were off to visit the Nepal Temple and Himalaya Pavillion. Absolutely stunning plants and flowers (blumen) surrounding the entire area. We walked on paths and across stones and marveled at the beauty around us. I took some incredible pictures of statues, made of marble, gold, or wood. I watched an artesian create a pot from his hand turned potter's wheel. The sun was playing tag with the clouds, and it was incredible how fast the sun would be out, and literally a minute later, it was raining! (I DEFINITELY did not pack enough stuff for the chilly weather!) On one occasion when the sun came out, we sat upon the steps and just rested and enjoyed its warming rays. Next, we were off to meet up with Francisco, his host Michael, and his girlfriend, Hariett. They were not quite ready, so Uli stopped by a delightful little place she knew and we had a wonderful glass of Regensburg Landwein (wine), Müller-Thurgau-Trocken - a wine made from the grapes of the area. (OK... the picture makes my glass look WAAAAYYY bigger than it really was... lol!) Then off to the next surprising place, a Greek temple! Seriously, this enormous marble-made temple is a replica of one from Greece. Crown Prince Ludwig of Barvaria wanted to have an incredible building constructed and used as a place of honour for those deemed worthy. Well, a magnificent place, it definitely is! There are many "busts" of famous people such as Albert Einstein, Beethovan, Bach, and many others on display there. But it was a VERY weird feeling to be in Germany, yet seeing sights from such other places in the world. Absolutelz amazing! We stopped by the grocery on the way home, and picked up some needed items. We did not get home until almost 7 p.m. where I helped prepare a sausage salad for dinner. I can't wait to eat!

1 comment:

  1. First off....don't be walking around by yourself! I want you to come home safe and sound. :)
    It sounds like your time there already has been awesome. The things you are seeing and the food sound amazing. Enjoy that cool weather, as it is 100 today! Love ya friend and say hi to Uli for me.
