Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Montag (Monday) nachmittag (evening)

After a delicious dinner, the family decided it was time that I did two things... tried some Grappa (another liqueur) and learned how to play a game (spiele). As a family we played something called Nor keine Aufregung (in the original game translation it is "Don't be angry".) And in the beginning I didn't get why... later, I did!! Anyway it was a fun game, though because we kept knocking each other's game pieces back home, it took quite a while. I finished third... then I played a couple of games with Walter, with David as my partner to help... well, it did not help much, as Walter showed no mercy to the poor American, and proceeded to soundly beat me at both Mühle (a great thinking game) and Dame (like checkers). Then off to bed...

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