Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Adventure to Thalmassing...

Today is Wednesday, and have I got a story for YOU!! This morning Uli went to school at the normal time, but she had a special field trip for her students, and the bus would only hold so many... not enough room for me. But the destination for the field trip was the Biotop, which was in nearby Thalmassing... just a short 3 kilometers away... I needed to get to Michael's house (in Thalmassing), where Francisco was. So, (here is where it starts to get good!) I thought about walking to meet them, but Miriam told me she had a bike... I thought, 3 kilometers, NO problem! But Miriam said, there is a hill - a long steep hill. OK, I had already been to Thalmassing a couple of times, and I didn't remember any big hill... so I said, "No worries!". L.O.L... so I get all ready this morning, and Walter gets the bike ready for me and explains the gears. What do I need gears for?? I ask innocently (or stupidly!) So Walter explains. OK, I'm off! I start through the town, cruising along, thinking, "This is GREAT!" I get to the end of town, and turn towards Thalmassing. I cross over the little bridge and I notice already the incline is increasing... and increasing... it didn't take but a few minutes before the pedaling got very difficult, and I thought, well, I will just walk it up this little hill... (OK, I need to set the scene a little better here... there is a road (SKINNY!!) barely fits 2 tiny European autos... and NO sidewalk, and hardly any shoulder!) So I am walking with my bike up this hill, and it is kind of curvy, and I am still walking, up, up, up, another corner, another corner, and up, up, and another curve and another... OMG Becky!! Are you KIDDING me? Every curve I thought FOR SURE was the end of the hill... no! You should have heard my mutterings, both verbal, and non... "Should I just turn around, cruise back down to Uli's house, and let Walter take me? (he DID offer!) Why did ANYONE let me do this!!?? §&#?%&!!! Was I nuts!!? I am NEVER going to make it on time! Is Uli going to PASS me with the van on her way there? WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?" Another corner, and another. Just when I thought I was going to die, the top of the hill is seen. Thank Heaven!! So I finally get on my bike and start the descent! I was cruising!!! I saw a speed limit sign of 80 KM per hour, and I think I was going that fast, too! Only minutes later I see the sign to Thalmassing, and soon after that I was at Michaels... I get off the bike, my legs are shaking so bad I thought I was going to have to crawl to the door. I ring the bell, and Francisco and Hariett open the door and just start laughing! "We thought you were KIDDING last night when you said you were going to come by bike!!! I can't BELIEVE you did it!!" Well, neither could I... and the bike is STILL in the garage at Michael's because I am NOT riding it back home! Anyways, I rested a bit, and then Francisco and I walked to the Biotop, which is special platz (place) where Uli and groups of students are working on a project. The area an overgrown with plants, trees, flowers, and has a huge man made lake FULL of enormous fische! (fish) There were 2nd grade students, high school students, and the students from Uli's class working together there. We stayed at the Biotop for over 3 hours as the students worked on the project and did their thing. Then we walked back to Michael's where Hariett was waiting for us to go shopping at the mall. Miriam met up with us, and we spent a couple of hours in the mall. Our first stop was of course, FOOD! We ate at a nice restaurant and I had fresh asparagus soup (so creamy, and delicious!) and a green salad. When we hit the stores, I really tried to get Francisco to try on the lieder hosen (traditional Germany guy's outfit) but he was NOT in the least bit interested! But I did try on a couple of Dirndl's (the traditional dress of Germany) and they were absolutely GORGEOUS!! But cost was over 200 Euros! Oh my!! But, I found a really cute dress for less than 15 Euros, and a cool Germany soccer shirt with the number 13 on it, and got those instead! Then home for my nap and more blogging. We're supposed to go out dancing salsa again, but I don't know if I am up for it... well, after talking to Michael, it seems as if all of us could use a quiet night at home. So, I went down to help Uli with dinner, and there was a ring at the door... it was Miriam and Max, and she came to take me for a ride. We took a beautiful walk through the fields and woods around the village. It was gorgeous weather at 8 p.m., cool and relaxing. Then walked home from the stable for dinner. That's it for now! Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. I LOVED your bike story...OMG Becky!!!!!

  2. Janice,
    Your bird story is a "hoot", get it? But you did not say how long you were biking for?!

    We're going to have to make the effort to bring beer to work for your school lunches from now on, or you will just not be happy...

    Say Hi to Uli for us!

  3. Well I just say....I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that little climb. I bet you had your flip flops on too didn't ya?

  4. For ONCE, I actually had on my tennis shoes, and I really couldn't tell you how long it took... seemed like FOREVER!
