Friday, June 25, 2010

Almost Time...

It is Saturday, June 26th at 6 a.m. and I am finishing getting ready. Michael will be by between 6:15 and 6:30 to take Francisco and me to the airport an hour or more away in Munich. Our flight leaves at 9:50 a.m. Then we have about 10 1/2 hours to Atlanta, then almost 4 more hours home. We have a 2 hour layover in Atlanta, so we don't get home until 5:30 p.m. Arizona time (that's about 2:30 a.m. Germany time...) It's gonna be a looooonnnngg day! I hope I can sleep on the plane... here's to a safe flight, and I will finish this up on Sunday when I wake up from my jet lagged sleep! Auf Weidersehen!! xoxo


  1. Yeah! I can't wait to see you!

  2. Let's get together (I'll cook you and Dave a wonderful dinner) and watch the CD you made. What a trip of a lifetime! They could not have picked a better person for this opportunity. I'm really proud of you!
    Love ya

  3. Thank you for keeping such a detailed blog! I felt like I was there with you! I had tears in my eyes when YOU were on your way home! You're the best!! Luv ya, Mandy

  4. I'll miss reading your blog every day :-( It's been a really funny and entertaining reading!
    Thanks again for giving us the oportunity of such a detailed memory of your stay with us!

    Hope you had a good flight back home and arrived savely in Tempe! We heard that Fracisco had to leave half of his stuff, because he was way too heavy...
