Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Reception at Michael's School

Today I woke up at 4 a.m. to the birds singing outside my window... it was still dark! I shoved in my earplugs and rolled over... awake again at about 6, and I knew I had to get up soon, so I turned off my alarm and just laid there for a bit... until I woke up at 6:45, and my ride was coming at 7:15!! Aaaahhh! I quickly got ready and was downstairs grabbing a bite to eat when Michael arrived. We headed off to Michael's school today, Kerschensteiner Berfufshule Fachakademie. It is a vocational school, for students who have already finished high school, but are looking for further training in a specific vocation. All the classes we attended today were taught mostly in English, so we had a good idea about what was going on. We were first with Michael, and his class was the art of brick laying (who knew how much MATH you had to know!?) Quite a fun group of students! Next we went with another teacher to observe (and participate!) with her hotel catering class. We spent the period talking about ourselves, our schools, and answering whatever questions the students had. Michael took us on a school tour, and showed us around the nice campus. At 11:15 there was a reception set up, where the Principal, a couple of Vice Principals, teachers, and a class of catering students had set up a wonderful room for us. There were fresh flowers in vases on the high top tables, and a long table where beautiful arrangements of flowers, candles, and food were set out. There was a member of the press there, who proceeded to take our pictures while we were warmly welcomed by the Principal. We were presented with a couple of great geschenken (gifts) - a bottle of very special rot landwein (red wine from the Regensburg area) - you can't buy this wine in a store! and it is only given to SPECIAL guests. Wow, did we feel privileged! We were also given a hand made wood serving platter (made at the school) complete with some snacks on top and all wrapped up beautifully! Many photos were taken, hands shaken, and smiles offered. We spent much time after the presentation eating and talking with many staff members. What a terrific day! Danke schön! We had one more class with Michael before he took us home to our own houses and Francisco and I got to nap. Then I worked on this blog, and got my stuff ready for school tomorrow. Michael and Francisco picked up Miriam and me at 8 p.m. and we went into Regensburg inner city. Our first stop was a place called Picasso, which had some great Itallian food... I had penne arrabiata, yum, spicy pasta! Then we went to a Spanish bar, where we had some Spanish wine. Off to another obscure bar, a medieval one! We sampled all kinds of honey wine... interesting to say the least. Michael also had an interesting dark beer with wine drink, and Francisco and I just tried the red wine. But the whole bar was set up totally medieval, and it was really cool. The bartender (who was also the server) was totally in costume, and had a great hat! After we finished our drinks here, we headed for home. Yes... it was almost 1 by the time we got home... oh, school tomorrow... (need I say more???)


  1. Girl, you are getting the VIP treatment!

  2. It sounds like you are having sooo much fun!!! I love reading your updates and looking at the pictures!! How many more days will you be there?

  3. It is Frietag today so I only have 8 days left... from, the VIP!
