Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Appt. with the Oberbürgermeister

Today at 2 was our official appointment with the Oberbürgermeister (Mayor). We had to get all dressed up in suits (anzug) und krawatte (tie). It was raining (WHAT??? really!!??) so it was a little tricky manuvering those cobblestone streets in heels... but I made it without falling on my behind... lol. The meeting was wonderful, full of pomp and circumstance. The Mayor was very decorated, and I will add a picture later (I forgot my purse, so Uli was the picture taker once again!) We were presented with a beautiful framed pencil sketch of Regensburg´. After our nice welcome and speech, they served Prosecco (sparkling wine) to all the adult guests, and orange juice to all of the students present. They then took us on a tour of the municipal building, complete with the only torture room (oops, interrogation room) left in all of Germany... there were neck irons, blocks, and various stretching machines on the lower level... wow. I am glad that I was not around during that age... after our tour was over, we were cold, and stopped for a nice hot kaffee and hot apple strudel.

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