Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Somber Visit...

Today Francisco, Miriam, and I met up with the exchange students at the Regensburg train station to take an hour long drive to the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp... built in 1938 to house the "criminals" and "antisocial elements" and anyone else Hitler deemed unworthy, this place was one of degregation, torture, and profound sadness... today it has become a monument to a time that the world must NEVER forget... the story here - the pictures, artifacts, and the ruins all lent to an overwhelmingly somber mood. For over 4 hours we looked at everything, listened with open ears, cried when needed, and learned an immeasurable amount while we walked through the area. It would be impossible for me to recount all that I saw today, but I will leave you with this... there was hope evident there today... flowers growing in the ruins of the once crowded barracks; young students walking through and learning about something that we must never allow to happen again, plaques to honor all those whose lives were irrevocably changed there, and Germany's willingness to acknowledge the long ago wrong and its desire to not forget, but to continue to move forward...


  1. Thanks... it was difficult, and took me a long time. I wanted to be sure I said it right.

  2. yes, beautifully written. I cried just reading.
