Thursday, June 24, 2010

Catholic School Visit

Today Francisco and I accompanied Uli to a private Catholic School named Bischop Manfred Müller to observe a first grade classroom in action. The school is only 10 years old, and is very big, and beautiful. I con't know where to begin to tell you about this class. It was quite possibly the best class I have EVER seen! The teacher was amazing... so organized, professional, caring, prepared, and thoroughly engaged her students using the pedigological "whole child" teaching philosophy. We watched in wonder for almost 4 hours as this teacher did stations, taught music, and reading, had a´"choice" and snack time. I have a video that I want to download showing about a minute and a half of these kids working in absolute silence! Even when they were messing around (which was almost NEVER, they did it sooo quietly!) Quite utterly astonishing! After we left the school, Uli took us to lunch at the Charlie Chaplin biergarten. Miriam was available, and joined us as well. We had a delicious lunch, Francisco with goulash, and me with some type of fried cheese and berry sauce. Yummy!! Then home for a quick shower, and off to a presentation at Michael's school about the Tempe Sister Cities Teacher Exchange program. It was well presented, and well received. Didn't get done there until almost 6, then home again to freshen up for our official Farewell Dinner graciously hosted by Traudl Lacher-Jödicke and her husband. It was attended by a couple of principals, the treasurer of TSC-Regensburg, Uli, Miriam, Simon, me, Francisco, and Michael. We had good food, good conversation, and a good time! Believe it or not, my day is not over! Off now to catch the end of a birthday party for a family friend of the Nowotnys. Sat around a fire pit and talked for about an hour, then I was so tired that Miriam and I walked the length of town to go home. Too tired to blog last night, I poured myself into bed around midnight... Güt nacht!