Friday, June 25, 2010

Did You Know???

* Uli has her own garden, and makes her own jams, jellies, syrup, and yogurt?
* Walter is a wonderful cook! My favorite thing was the white spargel (asparagus) wrapped in ham, and baked in a cheese sauce... mmmmm!
* Miriam bought Max (her horse) for ONE EURO?? Long story...
* Almost EVERY song you hear on the radio is American pop rock? Like 96.9...
* Germany is 9 hours later than Arizona time?
* You have to PAY to use the most public bathrooms?
* Simon Nowotny is coming to Arizona in August? (Is he nuts!?!?)
* I didn't know how to flush the toilet in my bathroom, and had to ask Miriam to show me? (They have this silver rectangle on the wall, and mine wasn't behind the toilet, but on the left! So I didn't even consider it! I was so embarrased!)
* David Nowotny reminds me a WHOLE lot of my son Aaron!! :)
* I have tried over 10 different apertif or digestives? (The alcohol you drink before or after dinner) Cognac, Sherry, Prosecco (a champagne), Coconut Kiss (Caribbean), Rotweinheffe (this one could put HAIR on your chest, as my daddy used to say!!) (Germany), Campari, Ouzo (Greece), Lemonis (Italy), Caipirinha de Brazil, Grappa, and a couple of more that I forgot to write down!
* While visiting the Jewish Museum in Berlin, I used the MENS bathroom... and YES, there was a man in there! oh my...
* Michael would love to come to Arizona and be a professor at ASU!
* Grappa should be sipped, not chugged (Francisco...)
* Hariet has an absolutely BEAUTIFUL voice, and she used to be a dancer?
* Francisco has been the best travel partner I could have imagined, and we have become excellent friends through our adventures! Can we go again?
* The Nowotny family was the most hospitable family that I could ever have asked for.... they took care of me, fed, me, put up with me, and loved me like one of their own... I could not have felt more like family had I been born into it... thank you for all of your love and making me feel like this was my home... I love you all!! and will miss you sooooo much!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the compliments and nice words about our family! :-)But I can only return them! You were the most easy going and funny guest, or rather family member, we could have asked for. We had such a great time during all our activities that the four weeks went by like four days...
    I'm missing you already and counting the days until you come back next year!
    Love Miriam (and Max)
