Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Change of Plans...

Francisco and I were supposed to go visit a school today where there are behaviorally challenged students, but I guess the students were REALLY having a tough week, and the teachers were not comfortable with us coming today. I am bummed, because I was really looking forward to seeing how they handled these children, and if there was anything that we could do at our schools to better meet the needs of OUR behaviorally challenged kids. So... there was a change of plans. Francisco just stayed at Michaels with Hariett, and I talked Miriam into taking me out shopping for the last few souveniers that I needed. She was happy to oblige me! We ended up going to a couple of different malls, and a few more stores, but finally found everything that I needed to get. (Including a van with Wagner on it! lol) Our last stop was in the inner city of Regensburg, so we parked at a lot that was free, but about a 10 minute walk to our destination. It was a beautiful day, and we had a nice walk along the tree lined Danube. The sun was playing hide and seek with the clouds... sometimes out, sometimes not. But it sure felt wonderful when it was out!! After our last store, we went to the famous Wurstkuchl restaurant and looked for a seat among the wooden benches. There were none open, but in Germany they just ask the people sitting there if they can join them... and they always say YES with a smile! So nice. We sat with an older couple, very amiable. I had my favorite meal, bratwurst and saurkraut, and a dark beer! Mmmmmm! Then home for a power nap, and after that, a ride on Max. Miriam borrowed a horse from a friend, so we actually got to ride TOGETHER! We took a long walking ride, and at one point she asked me if I wanted to trot again... well... OK. So I did. OK, here is Miriam in front of me trotting... UUUUPPPP DDDOOOOWWWNN UUUPPP DDDOOWWWNN, nice and gracefully on her horse. Here was me on Max... UP DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN! I was slapping that saddle so hard my teeth were rattling and my helmet was knocking my head! I was cracking up and was amazed I didn't fall right off that horse! I was so glad Miriam didn't look back to see me, because I KNOW I looked like a complete and total idiot! Then more smooth walking (aaaaahhhh!) Later Miriam asked if I wanted to canter (that means gallop!) WHAT?? "It is so much smoother than the trotting", she said... so, yes, I did that to! Miriam got her horse running, and then Max just took off after hers. I was hanging on for dear life, he was racing along so fast! But it was such a smooth ride, I LOVED it, and I was so happy that I decided to go for it! (But I will be lucky if I can WALK tomorrow!!) Had a rare chance to read a book in the sun/clouds for a bit, then up here to work my blog. Tonight, a relaxing time at home. Had a wondeful dinner, where I tried a German specialty... Sülze... an interesting meat and jelly combination (Walter told me they made the jelly from bones... ?? pulling my leg, or telling the truth??) Or do I really WANT to know? I have a little more free time before the Nowotny's neighbor Olaf comes over. I am looking forward to meeting him, but I have been told that he LOVES to have a good time and that I better get ready to join him! :) Ciao!! And YES, we had a fabulously fun time!!!

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