Sunday, June 20, 2010

Trip to a Castle

Woke to rain (are you kidding me? Still??) We were REALLY hoping for it to clear up a bit, but that just was not going to happen... so, we got ready, packed up our stuff, and headed to breakfast. Then after a short drive, we parked and had to wait in the rain for almost half an hour until we went by boat to the island Herrenchiemsee, where we purchased our tickets to visit König Ludwig II's castle. We had about a half an hour walk through beautiful green forested (wet) areas before we came upon the immense castle. Flanked on either side of the plaza were 2 huge fountains, probably the nicest I have seen. We entered the castle, and were just in time for our 11:15 English tour. OH MY GOSH!!!! I said that as we entered EACH and every room! Never in my LIFE have I seen such oppulence! There was more gold, ornate decor, paintings, furniture, chandeliers, mirrors, busts, and tapestries in one place than I EVER could have imagined! We were not allowed to take pictures inside the castle, but I have a spy, and was able to get a copy of his photo... albeit only one, you can begin to see what I was talking about. Being surrounded by such wealth and the show of said wealth and power was just mind boggling. But it was also very cold and impersonal... Even after seeing it, it still seems surreal. Just unbelieveable! After the tour ended we headed for the museum to get a little deeper look into the life of this King. And more of the same wealth, and status seen in every item that was on display there. The next item on the agenda was walking back through the wet forested path to our awaiting boat and trip back to the mainland. The hunger pangs started to hit, so we stopped at a restaurant right near where our car was parked. I had some wonderful currywurst and pommes. Then settled in for the long ride home. Thank heaven we arrived without any situation... I caught up with Uli... her special Olympics team won 2 gold medals, a couple of silver, and a bronze... way to go! Then her mother in law stopped by to say hi, and then her brother, as well. He had dinner, conversed with us for a while, had Miriam and I dancing, then finally off to bed at 2 in the morning... hasta luego!!

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