Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Oldest Monastery in the Barvaria

Up at 8 (remember, I didn't get home until 1 p.m. last night!) and out the door for an adventure by 11! Uli, Walter, Simon, Miriam, and I drove to the small city of Kelheim, situated on the banks of the Danube River. Walter was my history teacher as we drove along, and he pointed out and informed me about various historical or interesting sights. Once we arrived in Kelheim, we proceeded on foot (nothing new there!!) over 3 miles (about 5 Km.) through some of the lushest forest I have ever seen. It never ceases to amaze me how thick, tall, green, and peaceful everything is here. We walked quickly (remember, my group is tall! 5' 9" to 6'5" with LONG legs...) with a canapy of trees over us to the right, and the flowing river to our left. Most of the way was on a path, but we came to one point and stopped. I was looking at where we were, and there were some crudely made wooden boards fashioning a kind of stairway up... and they said, OK, go. So, I did. Oh, boy, it didn't take long before memories of my bike ride up that hill were starting to surface... up, up, up, winding, winding, winding. I had to stop once or twice to catch my breath. I was sucking wind, and my legs were protesting loudly! But, Simon kept saying, "Almost there, almost there," and finally we were. Once at the top the going was easy and we wandered along on a more even path. We hit a lookout point that was amazing! The Monastery was right below me, and it was HUGE! We had only a little further to go so we picked up the pace. At the bottom of the hill, we met a boat that would take us to the other side of the Danube, to the Monastery. There was no sand, only the flattest rocks I have ever seen! Walter and Simon proceeded to impress me with their "skipping" skills on the water. We all went inside the walls, to an enormous biergarten, where we had lunch and tried their famous dark beer - Weltenburg Baröck Dunkel. Very tasty! I also had a bowl of asparagus soup. For dessert, Uli ordered a special dumpling with plums and drizzled with vanilla sauce. Melt in your mouth, good! After lunch we went into the church, the gift shop, the museum (where I watched a movie in English about how to make beer!), and then walked to a boat launch to ride a huge double decker boat back to where our car was parked. It was absolutely the best day for this trip, as the weather was overcast and much cooler than it has been. Drove home with Simon, Miriam, and Uli dozing, me trying to keep my eyes open, and Walter driving. I did take a nap when I came home, and am going to get ready soon to go to a "Public Viewing" of the Germany soccer match. So, more news später! Tschüss! GERMANY KICKS BUTT!!! (can I say that!!??) So much fun! (that's Mirian and I in our #13 shirts!) Over 1000 people gathered in this arena, singing, chanting, waving flags, and having a great time! We arrived more than an hour early, found our seats, and proceeded to have a fantastic time. I was singing (don't know what they were saying), cheering, and yelling with the best of them! It was terrific! After the game was over, even though the parking lot was PACKED, Walter made short order of the line in front of us, and we were home in no time. WHAT FUN!!! Go Deutschland!! :) Oh ya, it was raining when we got out of the match, and we all got totally soaked!

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