Monday, June 7, 2010

Off to Berlin!

Up by 4:30 a.m. Donnerstag (Thursday) June 3rd and off to meet the bus to go to Berlin. We had a beautiful luxury bus with comfy seats, plenty of room, and movies to boot! The trip into Berlin took us through over 6 hours of the most lush, green lands that I have ever laid eyes on! We left in the rain, but somewhere along the way, the clouds started disapating and the warm sun FINALLY came out! YEA!!!!! Made a couple of stops along the way, and ended up in Berlin sometime in the early afternoon... the city of Berlin is HUGE, with almost 3.5 million people living there... so many tall buildings, cars, and people everywhere!! It is by far the largest city I have ever visited! (Jill, did you notice the Starbucks in the lower left hand corner of the picture? lol) Our first stop lunch at a place called Matador, where I ate the famous weiße spargel (white asparagus)! It was absolutely delicious! I had them along with some interesting bright green beer that contained Waldmeister - they served it with a straw!?!? Next stop was Sans Souci Castle. It was home to King Louis the Great and the King Louis the 4th... don't quote me on my history... the castle lies amidst an immense green lawn with a forest of trees everywhere. Contained on the grounds were the main castle, a guest house, a greenhouse (for plants), an authentic Chinese Tea Garden house, man- made ruins (the King thought they would look romantic...), a ton of statues, busts, and fountains. Beautifully detailed architecture everywhere! After spending the entire afternoon touring the castle grounds, we loaded back up on the bus in search of our hotel... The streets were SO busy with traffic, it took us about 90 minutes to get to our hotel. The exchange students actually stayed in the hotel part, but all of the adults had small apartments. It worked out great! We unpacked, freshened up, and went out in search of food. We discovered this great corner restaurant called the Sando Cafe and Bar. It was perfecto! I had a big bowl of tomatensuppe (tomato soup) and it was delicioso! Sat outside til it got too cool, finished our wine inside, then home by midnight... OK, OK, but it is LIGHT outside until after 10 p.m!!!! So we did not feel tired! End of day one in Berlin...

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