Monday, June 28, 2010

Reality Bites...

I had hoped to sleep in a little longer on my first day home, but NO... 5:30 a.m. and I am stinking WIDE AWAKE! But I awoke to a beautiful sunrise, and thought to myself, "It's good to be home." I drove to McDonalds to have a much missed iced coffee (I only drank 3 while in Germany... it's kind of hard to have an iced coffee, when they have no ice!!) Aaah, gut! Then reality hit... I had to unpack (took ALL day!), do 4 loads of laundry, go through 4 weeks of mail, pay bills, start a new grocery list, decide if I want to replace all my dead flowers or leave the pots empty, had to make my own lunch and dinner AND do the dishes, realized that house cleaning will be left for Monday, etc., etc., etc... It's a good thing that Alexis talked me in to going with her to lay out at the pool for a couple of hours, because that was just the ticket! The cloudless sky, the warm sun (only 107), and the cool pool really helped me cope. Then home for a nap and up again to do a bit more. While the jobs and responsibilities of an adult are sometimes a bit overwhelming, you still have to look for all the amazingly wonderful things that go with those tasks... again, it's good to be home. (Oh ya, I only gained 3 pounds, but they are ALL FAT!!!)

1 comment:

  1. that's weird..everybody thinks he's geeting fat while he's in america (mee too..well i gained some pounds last year^^)but acctually it's the other way round. But not because our food is so fat, our food is just sooooo good ;P
