Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rainy Journey to the Alps

Arrived in the quaint town of Grabenstätt in the German Alps a little after 7 p.m. Though it rained the ENTIRE way, and it is STILL raining here, oh well... We have a beautiful place to stay, complete with a restaurant and biergarten. We unloaded our stuff, and went straight down to dinner. We were all hungry and ate quickly, then back up to the room. Our "little apartment" was indeed that! A small living room, bathroom, a room for Michael and Harriet and a room for Francisco and I. Here you will see the sleeping arrangements for us... lol! I haven't slept in a bunk bed for.... I have no idea how long!! I don' t know who snored louder, Paco, or me! Well, after dinner, Hariett was very tired and opted to stay at the apt. while Francisco, Michael and I went to check out the Chiemsee Lake. It is the largest lake in Barvaria, and it was wonderful! We parked the car and ran across the street to the shores of the lake. It was dark, and still lightly raining, but it was gorgeous! The water was coming into the shore in small waves, and just the sound of it made me homesick for Rocky Point... I, of course, had to touch the water... a bit too nippy for my taste, but I didn't have a swimsuit anyway! We just hung out for a while on the shores, and enjoyed the chilly evening, stormy skies, and good company. Then back to the apt. for some wine, more talk, and a little time for me to read before I hit the sack at midnight.

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