Friday, June 18, 2010

An Entertaining Evening...

With Uli gone to the Special Olympics in Bremen, I have been left in the excellent care of her wonderful family... they prepared a delicious dinner tonight, with sausage salad, sweet beets, an amazing cheese and onion dish, and of course, brot (bread). We shared the meal, a couple of special beers and a lot of conversation. This weekend is a busy one in the household, with Simon leaving at 3 a.m. tomorrow for London, David leaving at 8 a.m. for France, and me leaving in the afternoon for the Alps... Simon will be back before I leave next Saturday (aaaahhh!), but David won't, so I wanted to be sure I got some pictures with him before he left. I knew he had a grey ASU shirt, so I told him to put it on so we would match... then I told Simon, Miriam, and Walter to get their Arizona shirts on, too, and we had a photo session... what a hoot! First Walter got some shots, then he took them again with my camera. Then David was in charge of taking the photos of Walter and me, and it got a little bit silly after that... Walter with his eyes not on the camera, Walter with his eyes closed, Walter looking grumpy... we had to take quite a few to get it right. Then David and Simon started taking pictures of themselves, me sticking my tongue out, etc. and I have all of them saved on my computer... lol. (oh ya... I am on my tippy toes in all of the shots, because the family is sooo tall!) Then we settled down to watch the Mexico-France soccer match. Mexico won... sorry Tanguy! Then off to bed. Güt nacht!

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