Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Regensburg tour

After a late night of playing games, this morning I actually slept in and had to be woken up at 9 a.m. (Well, I DID wake up at 5, but I said NO WAY! and covered back up). Quickly got ready and off to Regensburg for a tour of the historic, beautiful city. Since the tour guide was German, Uli arranged for me to get an audio setup where the key points were all given in English. Because it was raining, (again, no I mean STILL!) I had my audio player around my neck, my earphones on, and I was holding an umbrella, Uli volunteered to be the photographer for me. Using my camera, she took a great many photos. I learned so much from my audio tape, and more with Uli and Miriam filling me in on what the tourguide also said. What an AMAZING city! The history that you are surrounded with is astonishing! Dating back to the 12th and 13th century! As Romans discovered this place, you can see their imprint all around. Beautiful cobblestone streets, and artistically designed buildings everywhere. Statues, and churches with amazing artwork and detail. St. Peter's Cathedral was awe inspiring! The Stone Bridge over the River Danube was incredible. The water ran swift and high, but the bridge (Brücke) stood firm. At the end our our tour (wonderful but I was a popsicle due to the rain, wind, and lack of sun) we ate lunch at the historic Wurstküche (Sausage Kitchen). Oh my! We sat inside in the wonderfully WARM room, and ordered up some sausage and saurkraut... I added a dark beer to my selection. The order came quickly and the food was divine! I also tried Uli's potato soup... mmm good! We warmed up, then headed back home to rest a bit before our Welcome Party tonight at 6... Auf Weidersehen!!


  1. I love reading about your adventures! Sounds AMAZING!!!!

  2. I feel like I'm there with you-sounds wonderful! Ummmm could you be cold because you are traipsing around Germany in a tank top and flip flops?! I'm just saying...Say hello to Uli:)

  3. Glad to hear you finally had a beer there. By the way, love reading your blogs and glad you are having a good time.
