Monday, June 28, 2010

Auf Wiedersehen! Ciao! Tschuss!

Just a final blog entry to say goodbye. It has been an amazing journey and adventure where I have made many new friends, have seen hundreds of incredible sights, have tasted tons of delicious food, and have retained a countless number of memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. My Tempe Sister Cities sponsored trip to Germany was the best thing I have ever done in my life. If you have never traveled abroad, I encourage and challenge you to do so. If you travel with an open mind, it WILL change your outlook on life! Thanks to everyone who made this journey WITH me, reading and commenting on my blog. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have had writing it. Until my next travels...
With love from Germany,

1 comment:

  1. Janice,
    After seeing your blogspot in the TSC Newsletter, I just had to read every word of it! It brought back many memories of the time I have spent in Regensburg and the surrounding area. You made me very homesick for my '2nd' home!
    Your blog is wonderful...such creative writing, insightful observations, and I can tell that you captured the essence and the hope that all of us with TSC have for our students and educators that we send to our sister cities.
    I am proud to say I was on the selection committee that choose such an outstanding Tempe educator and person to represent us and to soak up all that this program has to offer!
    Chris Naderer
    Regensburg City Coordinator
