Monday, June 21, 2010

Train Trip to Munich

Heute ist Montag (today is Monday) and our day started out at the gimnasiam (high school)where Wolfgang and Heinz work. First, we joined Wolfgang and his English class of 5th grade students. We were very impressed with their reading and speaking skills. Many of them asked us questions about the United States, and our schools, and we were very happy to tell them all they wanted to know. Next, we were off with Heinz, and his 11th grade geography class. They were being introduced to the South American countries and their capitals. Very lively class, and the time went by quickly. We were only able to spend only a couple of hours at the school, but really enjoyed our time. Then we had to hoof it (yes, that means walking) to the Central Train Station in Regensburg, where we met up with Hariett and Michael. I get to go on my FIRST train ride ever! I am soooo excited!! It was 11:30 and being hungry already, we grabbed a slice of pizza, and ate it as we headed for our train. We found a very nice compartment with 6 seats, and settled ourselves in for the ride. It was so cool! Just like in the movies. Sitting by the window, watching the scenery go by... green fields, small villages, larger towns, and a lot of grafitti, I thoroughly enjoyed the peaceful 90 minute ride. Our arrival in Munich, or München as it is properly called, was met with rain. Good thing it only lasted for about the first hour or so, then stopped. Still totally cloudy, but no rain - I'll take it! We perused many, many shops, looking for the last minute souveniers that we needed to take home. The streets were crowded with shoppers and tourists. Michael was the guide/history teacher today as we walked through the city. There were so many amazing buildings to see and learn about. After a couple of hours, we decided to stop for a bite to eat. Michael knew of a great little cafe' (located on the third floor), where we could sit and look out over a huge plaza while we ate. I had a delicious tomato soup and a Weiße beer. Francisco and I tried a bite of something new today... white sausage. Michael had ordered it, and assured us that THIS was a traditional Barvarian food, and we just HAD to try it. Well, we did. And, you know the kind of meat they put in menudo? Well... enough said! After we left the cafe' we continued on our walking journey through Munich. Many more stores, historic and beautiful buildings, biergartens, churches, the Hofbraühaus (the most famous brewery in the world!) and our next stop was the University of Munich, where Michael studied to earn his English degree. He took us inside the beautiful building, and toured us around the school. It was late afternoon by now, and we decided to head (subway first, then walking) to the Olympic Park where we viewed the beautiful grounds. Next, we went up in the sky needle, and had a view of all of Germany! (OK, really just all of Munich, but it was sooooo high we FELT like we could see it all!) By the time we finished this activity, all of us were dogging it and decided to catch the subway back to our train, and head for home. That ended up becoming a mad dash, because if we missed the 7:00 train, we would have to take the next one that was took 30 minutes LONGER to get home due to the fact that it stopped at EVERY town on the way back to Regensburg. So, we literally started running... Michael in the lead, and the rest of us following behind. Weaving in and out of people, laughing, racing, and finally making it to the train with about 3 minutes to spare! OMG! I was so glad to sit down and relax for the trip back. Starving as we hit the Regensburg station at 8:30, and with Francisco and I craving a hamburger, we headed for an Americanized burger joint called Kullman's Diner. We ordered big, juicy (ok, not so juicy) hamburgers, complete with french fries, we chowed down! Had to walk back, past the Train Station and on to Michael's school, where he and Hariett had their cars parked. Saying goodbye to Hariett, Michael took Francisco and me. I was dropped off at home around 11 p.m., and since I only had 4 hours sleep the night before, I was a dead dog tired! So, no blog, just straight to bed. Später!

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