Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My new twin...

Up early and off for another day at Michael's vocational school... we spent the first couple hours with Michael (it was his birthday today!!), talking English to his students, and trying to help them not be so shy to talk to a couple of "native Americans!" lol. After our first couple of classes, we headed down to check out the Bakery, and have some goodies. On our way, we stopped at the Cosmetic Design area, and met the head teacher. We were talking to her, and to make a long story short, we were recruited to be models for their hair stylists and makeup artists... at 1:00 Francisco and I arrived at our respective appointments... Francisco was whisked away to become a stunning red-brown haired stud, while I was to receive a facial makeover. They started by dying Francisco's hair from black to blond (or as light as they could get it... it looks like sunshine yellow in the pictures...) then they added the brown-red color in. While they were working on him, I was taken into a 'spa like' room, had a big, soft towel placed over my legs, and the teacher of the class proceeded to give me a great facial while his students looked on, and practiced the same moves with their mannaquin head... no joke... well, the facial was heaven, but then I heard them talking, and the gal that was SUPPOSED to do my makeup was AWOL... oh great! Absolutely NO makeup on, and I have to make it through the rest of the day! was my first thought... but they rounded up someone, and I had some makeup put on. NOT the colors I would have chosen for myself... but ok. My bangs seemed to have gotton some greasy lotion on them from the facial, and I asked if I could get them washed. The head lady came to help me, but NOBODY spoke much English, and so she didn't understand what I needed. She just blow dryed them and they were CURLY!!! Then she wanted to do an 'up do' so, wanting to be hospitable, I said yes... wrong move! A very fancy up do from the back, but the front was a bit severe on my face... It was very nice that they wanted to practice all this on me, and they did a good job overall, but it was not ME! Francisco was finally finished as well, and we had to immediately go find Michael. I REALLY did not want to go visit his class, as I was felt I looked like an OLD LADY::: And Francisco turned out looking like my TWIN instead of the dark red brown that he had originally imagined! lol. What a crazy day!!! We waited in the car for Michael to get done with work, then we headed straight to his house (at Hariett's request) for a surprise birthday party for Michael. We had cake and champagne, then they took me home. I took a shower, got ready, and Miriam and I were picked up at 7:45... we went to a great Itallian place for dinner. Had some of Michael's friends join us, and a really good time was had by all. Home by 11:30 to do my blog, and then to bed! I am tired!!! Güt nacht!

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