Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Work, then Play

Today was Tuesday (Dienstag) and we had a busy day at school - ready and left the house by 7:30. We first went to a school named Wolfgangschule where Francisco and I got to sit in on an incredible classroom that had 8 kids, all with special needs. We spend a couple of hours observing, and listening, then had a little time for asking the teacher some questions as well. Very different from our Arizona schools... and we really enjoyed our time there. Then we went on to Uli's school, where we stayed for the rest of the day. We had a special party time for a boy named Jakob (pronounced Yah - kop), he turned 17. We had sausage (of course!) and bread (semil ((I think!)) is what they call rolls), juice and water. Then I handed out some prickly pear cactus taffy to try... Mmmmm! Jakob challenged me to a tabletop fussball game, and that was fun! I even won!! The students at Uli's school have an upcoming prom, and to help them be prepared, they had a special make up application lesson for the girls. A couple of ladies did individual "make overs" for the girls! They were so excited! After school we came home and Miriam had a late lunch waiting for us... hot and freshly made waffles. I ate mine with home made jelly, Nutella, and my favorite thing was a berry and cottage cheese mixture that Miriam also made. They are DEFINITELY trying to put some pounds on me! Then a quick cat nap, then to work on my blog again. I really like being able to share my adventures, but it does take time! And to download the pictures onto the blog is downright S L O W!!! But it really is hard trying to decide which picture out of my hundreds (literally!!!) taken. Uli and I left at about 5:30 to meet up with some of her collegues for a happy hour at a biergarten in the inner city of Regensburg. It was right beside the Danube river, and it was a perfect evening! We were met there by Walter, Simon, and a family friend, Petey Wagner (no relation - well... maybe somewhere back there...) Miriam, Francisco, Michael and his girlfriend Harriet met up with us a little later. Had a wonderful dinner of, you guessed it! sausage and saurkraut! It's my very favorite, but I tried EVERTHING that everyone else had, as well! We were there for quite a few hours, and as most people were heading for home, a few of us were still up for some fun, so Francisco, Michael, Harriet, Miriam and I headed into the city to an Irish Pub where there was a live band. We stayed until the last song and then headed for home. Great time!

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