Monday, June 7, 2010

Holiday is over... back to Schüle!

I had to be up early to wash my hair this morning, and then eat breakfast and be ready to go by 9. Wow! Such sleeping in! (But getting to bed so late every night still does not give me much sleep!) Anyway, we picked up Francisco and went to a school where Uli assists this little 9 year old boy named Wolfe, who is a special needs student with Downs Syndrome. He was first in his regular ed classroom which we observed with great interest, then a one on one session with Uli. Wolfe is such a doll! Then we went to Uli's regular school, and she gave a presentation to a good portion of the school, about her trip to Arizona. We were then introduced and welcomed and given a book that was written and illustrated one of Uli's former students, followed by a question and answer session. Some of the older boys in her school sure do LOVE cars! We then presented an Arizona book to the principal. We had a chance to then go to observe for a bit in Uli's classroom while she got some stuff prepared. Uli was off for the day at 1 p.m.!!! And we were off to visit my first Biergarten for some lunch! It was called Kneitinger Keller Brauerei. The place was beautiful, full of tall green trees, and long green benches and tables to sit at. The sun was playing a game of tag with the clouds, so it was delightfully cool and relaxing! I had wonderful bratwurst and saurkraut and a dark beer! Mmmm güt! We then dropped off Francisco off at Michael's and went home. Uli set up the hammock for me on the terrace, and I fell asleep in the cool wind and sun. What a delightful way to spend the afternoon. After that I went upstairs to try and catch up with my blog. I had all of my notes from the weekend and after checking all my emails and responding to the ones I needed to, I got right to it. After finishing 2 days, I walked to meet Miriam at the stables at 6:30 p.m. as she was getting a jumping lesson on her horse Max. It was a warm afternoon, so I just wore shorts and tennis shoes for my trek. Miriam's lesson lasted over an hour, probably closer to an hour and a half, and then I had to walk back home, as Miriam had a meeting at work and did not have time to take me. No worries, it was such a short distance compared to what I HAD been doing all weekend! lol. Once home, I worked again on my blog until dinnertime. Had a nice dinner, with Walter, Uli, David, and Simon, then tried a new liquour, Campari, with orange juice. After watering Uli's plants on the terrace, I headed back up to finish catching up my blog. And I did it!!! I am all done with prior days, and today. So, with it being almost 10:30 p.m., and it is finally dark outside (drausen), I am going to lay out my stuff for tomorrow and hit the sack! Tschüss and Güt Nacht!

1 comment:

  1. Lol - I had to do a lot of reading to catch up!! Every day sounds amazing!!
