Monday, June 7, 2010

Last Day in Berlin

Our planned meeting time was 8:30 today... we had to have everything packed by the time we met today, so I did my packing last night. We put our suitcases on the bus and then set off, you guessed it, walking... we walked to the subway station, again taken to the main hub. We had some time for breakfast, then met back together by 10:30 for our boat tour on the river Spree. We were given audio headsets (of course in English), and set out on an open topped boat, where, seated, we were given a view of everything around us. The tour was an hour long or so, with much information and great views. I got some great photos. When we finished with our tour, we set out for our last meal in Berlin. We ended up at a place near the train station, but since we had only eaten not long before, we all just got a drink. When we were done, we headed back to our bus for the long ride home. It took us over 9 hours to get back to Regensburg. There were some traffic jams, an accident, mandatory rest stops for our driver, and just a LONG way to go, so we were exhausted when we finally hit home. Here is a photo of the sunset taken from the moving bus... Walter was waiting for us with the car, and we went home. Michael's girlfriend, Harriet, was waiting for us at the house, and took Michael and Francisco home from there. The family had dinner waiting for Uli and I, and I was starving. I ate, and was much happier. Then we watched the third episode about the land and waterways of Germany. It was fascinating to watch (but as it was in German, I didn't understand a lot of it!) Then, at about 11:30, I went up to finally unpack, and get ready for back to school tomorrow! Güt nacht!

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