Monday, June 7, 2010

Attack of the Berliner...

Trust me, all is well, you will get the meaning of the title later in this post... it is Freitag (Friday) and we meet at 8 a.m. to walk to the subway to start our adventures for the day...I have only been on a subway once or twice before, (when in Guanajuato, MX, many years ago) and it was pretty cool. There are so many subways, light rail (trams), trains, etc. that criss cross the city, both above and below. We ate breakfast and our first stop was Check Point Charlie and The Berlin Wall Museum. Check Point Charlie is an actual small guard shack and set up to show one of the few checkpoints that was guarded as an entry and exit between East and West Berlin during the Cold War. Das Maurer (The Wall) Museum was filled with the history of an incredibly difficult time in the world that involved many nations. I was filled with much emotion as I walked around and looked, and read, and learned, and remembered. I bought a chunk of the wall for my own... There is also a double line of bricks throughout the city outlining where the wall actually sat. We then walked on to the Holocaust Memorial, which was a created on a huge corner - many, many large concrete squares, maybe 5 feet thick and of differing heights, set in rows and rows. It was definitely open to interpretation... Next, we were off (walking) to the Brandenburg Gate, an incredible structure that stands for victory - that was when I had the attack of the Berliner!!! Uli had bought me a Berliner (sugar donut filled with plum jelly) and of course I was getting hungry, so I took it out and started eating it. I gave Francisco a bite, then continued thoroughly enjoying my delicious treat until all of a sudden... I looked down and there was some jelly on my wrist ... in my bracelets... and the sweater wrapped around my waist... and tons on my shirt!!! I literally had to strip off my top shirt (thank heaven I had 2 shirts on that day!) So, THAT was the attack of the Berliner... lol. Anyway, we had an appointment at the German Parliment building (Bundestag). So we walked there, too. We were able to go into this government building and with a guide, were told all about the building, its history, and about current government practices. We were then able to go into the "dome" of the building, an incredible piece of designed architecture! We took a walking audio tour up to the top, and then back down. Then off for some lunch, currywurst and pomme frites! Oh, sooooo good! Das schmecht gut!! Then, yes, still walking... to a GIGANTIC department store called KaDeWe where we went to the top floor to look at delicacies from all over the world. Very interesting items... Michael and Linda would LOVE it! We then stopped for a coffee-drink at Kuhdamm platz and just SAT and rested while we talked and people watched. Walking again we went to see a bombed (gedächtnis kirche) memorial church and got some great photos. Then we traveled (yes, you guessed it!) by foot back to the subway to home. Dinner again at Sando and I had frische spinateremesuppe mit Ei (fresh spinach soup with egg). So wonderful. Again sat outside and ate, drank and talked until midnight. FYI... estimated walking distance... at least 10 miles.

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