Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Who Knew Germans Could Salsa??

WHAT? Yes, tonight we went into the inner city of Regensburg to learn how to salsa - as the guy gave us all the directions IN GERMAN!!!... Oh my! What a blast! Francisco, Michael, Harriet, and I went to a club called... shoot, I can't remember right now... but we took lessons for about 45 minutes or so, and then danced and danced. I KNOW my hips are going to be sore tomorrow! It's HELL to get old... lol. We left the club about 11, but were feeling a bit of hunger, so we stopped at a wonderful pizza place called L'Osteria. Had an incredible pizza and salad and bread. Then, we had to make for home, as we have a VERY early wake up call at 4:30 in order to be leaving for Berlin by 6 a.m. If I cannot find a laptop or computer while in Berlin, I may be on hiatus until I return on Sunday (Sonntag)... so, until then meine freundins... Ciao!


  1. Yeah pictures!! Wow-it looks beautiful!! Miss ya chickie!

  2. I can't wait to hear all about Berlin! Sounds like you are having an amazing time. I love hearing about all the things you are doing. Talk to you soon....I hope.
    Love ya,

  3. Sure have enjoyed reading your blog and glad you are having a blast!! Can't wait to see your pictures in person when you return. Keep having fun!

