Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Willkommen (Welcome) Party

Last night was our official willkommen (welcome) party. It was held at the beautiful home of Franz and Evi Feldmeier. Francisco and I were greeted with open arms and open hearts. What an incredible group of people we met this evening - Franz, Evi, Traudl, Wolfgang, Annelies, Werner, and Heinz. Uli, Miriam, Michael, Francisco and I completed the group. Heinz was in charge of grilling the Fleisch (meat) and it was WONDERFUL! We had sausages and later, steaks. Also included with our dinner was some kind of delicious bread salad, a green salad, and a baked potato. Yes, I ate it ALL and had a fine red wine (rote wein), as well. Francisco sampled many different kinds of beer (bier) ... Conversation flowed easily, as did the beer and wine. Here's a picture of Francisco and me "wearing" our official German aprons... liederhosen and some beer toting bar maid outfit... lol! The party began at 6 and lasted until after 11. It is heartwarming that so many people who arrived as strangers only hours before, leave as fríends.


  1. Looks like a great time!! Wishing I was there to share the experience.

    I love you
