Monday, June 14, 2010

German Vocational School

Up EARLY today, as I had to wash my hair and get ready before Michael and Francisco picked me up at 7:15. We went to a vocational high school named Fachoberschuler Regensburg, where we met the assistant principal and were introduced to our first teacher. We observed a class whose main focus was social sciences, and watched part of a lesson, then had a great discussion with them about schooling in Arizona. Our next class was English as well, with the focus on technology. Again, watched a lesson, then the teacher had us tell about ourselves, and we had another nice discussion. Very talented, and well speaking students. Our last class was in one that focused on Economics... a great look at one of the key components to the success of the German school system. After school, we were met by Hariett, and she took Francisco and I home, and she made us a wonderful lunch of bratwurst, saurkraut, and potato salad, mmmmm,mmmmm, good! When lunch was done, Francisco went for his nap, and Hariett and I went into Regensburg for souvenier shopping. We made a couple of great buys, something for Alexis (you won't see it til we get home!) and more postcards and stamps so I can get the rest of mine sent off. We met up with Michael, coming off of a conference in town. Then we headed home, had a beer, and just sat around and talked. After that we had dinner, watched the soccer match between Italy and Paraguay, and I tried a small shot of Parly (Transylvania Plum Schnaps), beer liqueur, and raspberry liqueur... no, I was NOT driving!! Later Francisco and I worked on our respective computers... getting our emails checked, and my blog done... Home by 10:30 to get my stuff ready for tomorrow... später!!

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