Friday, June 25, 2010

My Final Day in Germany

Heute ist Freitag, my last day in Germany. Where did the time go? Francisco and I were scheduled to go to visit a kindergarten class in Thalmassing. The German kindergarten actually consists of students aged 3-6. It does not have the rigorous academic expectations of our American kindergarten, and it is not mandatory. But it was an absolutely delightful place. Located in an quaint, old 3 story home, it was surrounded with a huge lot with green trees, bushes, and wonderful play areas with sand, water, swings and toys. None of the traditional playground equipment, and the kids were having the times of their lives. We watched their morning meeting, and some free play time. The students were practicing for an upcoming festival, so there were groups dancing, and singing. We stayed for about 2 hours, and the kids, who were very enthralled with us, were sad to see us go. Next, home for lunch and final packing wrap up. At 12:30 Miriam and I left to pick up Francisco, and on to Uli's school. One of the teachers there, Linda (the one who hosted that great BBQ sometime back...) was going to be doing some very special canine therapy, and we were invited to watch. First of all, we hadn't been to Uli's school in a couple of weeks, and her students were SOOOOOOOO excited to see us. Jacob just about hugged the stuffing out of me! He is such a doll, and I am his personal favorite, and after hugs he quickly grabbed me by the hand, and was literally running down the hall towards Uli's room. lol! When all the students were situated in a semi-circle of chairs, Linda went over all the rules and procedures about how to act with a dog. Then she brought her dog in. The students were positively beaming! She let the all feed her one treat, and then she got to work. Each of the students got to come up and work with the dog, using sign language to make her sit, lay, and follow. They were so incredble with the dog, and Lady (a yellow lab) was wonderful with the kids. When that ended, we said our goodbyes to the class and the principal and headed home. I took a cat nap (the weather is so beautiful here today, you would love it! Maybe 80's, but now there is a cool breeze coming through all of the open windows in my bedroom... who knows? I may have to wear a sweater tonight...) then worked on some of my final blog entries. I have over 1000 pictures of my time here, and Miriam (or Walter) is going to download all of them to a DVD for me. Then I can share them when I return... We are going to a biergarten tonight with Uli's family, Michael, Hariett, and Francisco. My last biergarten... we went to the biergarten Spital (it used to be a hospital...) and had everyone there and a wonderful dinner. Sat there for quite a while while we watched Spain and Chile play soccer. Then we went walking around at the Ostengassen Fest in downtown Regensburg, which was a compilation of people and booths and food, and a good time. We walked around for a couple of hours, trying food, talking to people, and taking in the sights. We were very entertained. We left the festival and went back to Uli's home to have an after dinner drink... your choice of Ouzo, Coconut Kiss, Grappa, Scotch Whisky, or something else... lol. We toasted to our last night, to good friends, and to wonderful memories... then off to bed after 1 p.m. good night!!

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