Friday, June 11, 2010

Hi ho, off to High School we Go!

Up early this morning to head off to the Gimnasium (high school). Walter and Simon took me to the the Goethe High School, and I kind of felt like a new kid on the first day of school... not knowing anyone, not knowing where to go, unsure exactly what to do... but I said, "Thanks, dad!" as I jumped out of the car and headed in! I asked a student where the office of Herr Feldmeier was, and she directed me there. I walked in and Francisco was already in the Principal's office waiting for me. We stayed in Franz's office for a bit talking with him, and then were taken on a school tour. It was a great school, housing over 1300 students, grades 5 thru 13 (yes, 13!) We were set to observe an AP English class for 11th graders. The teacher, Dr. Biermeier, a former exchange teacher himself, was outgoing and entertaining. A couple of his students read their assigned essays, and they were very impressive! We then got to the heart of the study for that day - Shakespeare... Much Ado About Nothing. It is one of the favorite films that I own, and have watched it many times! The class read from the book first, then watched part of the movie to do a compare and contrast. Very interesting! It was a double period, but the time went by very quickly. When class ended, we went back to meet up with Franz, and went to the school restaurant for lunch. Had a green salad, and a delicious veal plate, with stuffing and gravy, along with cooked carrots. I ate every last bite!!! Washed it down with a beer (YES! a beer!) It was pretty surreal sitting in a school cafeteria, eating lunch with the principal, and drinking a beer! Francisco and I just looked at each other and smiled! THIS is the life!! lol! Michael came to pick us up after lunch and he had his convertable, top down, ready to get the most from the beautiful day! We went back to his flat for a drink, then they dropped me off at home, and they proceeded to a public viewing of the first World Cup Soccer match which is being held today. I took a cat nap, caught up on emails, and updated my blog. We have plans tonight to go to dinner with a family that formerly hosted Lori Burger's son as an exchange student! Oh, we had a wonderful time at our dinner party tonight... met Christian and Conny Gerdes, and their kids as well. (Max was the son who stayed with Lori.) We first toured the beautiful gardens around the house, then settled in for our first drink, and a bruchetta appetizer. Next came a fresh salad, green asparagas, potatoes, and a delicious schnitzel (pork) in lemon sauce. After dinner I tried a couple of new liquours, Ramazzotti from Italy, and Ouzo from Greece. I ate, and ate, and ate! And we drank, and drank, and drank, and we talked, and talked, and talked! What an excellent time, and new friends I can now claim. We did not get home until 1 a.m.!! Then straight to bed! Güt Nacht!


  1. Beer in high school?! Sounds interesting...Going to a World Cup Soccer party tomorrow to watch USA play England. Go USA! Germany has an excellent team so I'm sure the country is jazzed up!

  2. And where was the beer when WE were in high school???? I bet that felt odd drinking a beer with the principal!

  3. I'll take up the beer isssue with Ana as soon as I get back...
