Thursday, June 10, 2010

Off to the University!

It is Thursday (Donnerstag) today... didn't have to be up too early, and since Miriam and I stayed up til midnight last night watching Roman Polanskis "Fearless Vampire Killers" (cerca 1964) I decided to take advantage and sleep in! Off to pick up Francisco by 9:15, we then set our sights on Regensburg University, where we had a tour set up for 10:00. We joined up again with the Arizona delegation of students. Our tour guide for the main campus was Suzanne, and she walked and talked and showed us the campus from one end to the other. The tour lasted about 75 minutes or so. We then were taken to another University campus (within walking distance) by a Professor of the University, Herr Kolke. He showed us around his campus (much smaller), and then took us all to lunch in the Mensa (student cafeteria). We had a ton of good food. I had a vegetarian noodle (hand made!) dish, a fresche grün salat (fresh green salad), and tiramisu. Yum! Then, because Francisco was feeling so strong, he tried to save an auto from being CRUSHED by a HUGE concrete ball!! lol! Then back to the parking garage, and on to home. Hey! Today I actually hung clothes out on the line outside! I have never done that (not just one or two items, but whole loads!). Really! Then I took them off the line a couple of hours later. Miriam just can't understand why we have so much sun, and don't take advantage of it! I thought about it and It is pure and simple.... TIME!!! (or lazy!) We want EVERYTHING done fast, fast, fast! I really can't imagine having to dry all my laundry like that! But my laundry sure was fresh :) !! It is a quiet afternoon, just catching up my blog and emails. I have all the windows and doors open to my room, and fresh air is drifting in. It is about 29 degrees Celcius here (equates to roughly 80 degrees I think), and sunny sunny! Don't know what the evening holds, but I plan to get some reading in. The evening, as it turned out, was very relaxed. I grabbed my book and the hammock and went outside on the patio (terrace) to read for a couple of hours. Uli had an English class, Walter had a meeting, David was at swim practice, and Miriam was at work. So Simon and I had a nice dinner together and then it was back to the blog to add the pictures Francisco and Hariett had sent. So, until tomorrow. Auf Wiedersehen!

1 comment:

  1. I used to hang out clothes and towels on the line when I was a little girl in Pennsylvania-not my fondest memories!!
